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Unraveling the Value of ERC-20 Tokens: Factors Influencing Altcoin Value in 2023 and 2024

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Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the financial landscape, offering decentralized and efficient solutions. Among them, ERC-20 tokens, built on the Ethereum blockchain, have gained significant popularity in 2023 and will in 2024. But what gives these digital assets their value in the current year? In this article, we will explore the key factors that contribute to the valuation of ERC-20 tokens in 2023 or 2024, shedding light on the underlying mechanisms that drive their worth. By understanding these factors specific to the present year, stakeholders can make informed decisions and navigate the dynamic cryptocurrency market of 2023 more effectively.

  1. Utility and Functionality: ERC-20 tokens acquire value through their utility within the associated ecosystem. They can represent a wide range of assets, including cryptocurrencies, virtual goods, access rights, or voting power. The greater the usefulness and demand for these functionalities, the higher the value of the ERC-20 token.

    In 2023 and into 2024, ERC-20 tokens continue to derive their value through their utility and functionality within the Ethereum ecosystem. Notably, tokens such as AAVE and CRV from AAVE and Curve.Fi have emerged as shining examples of successful and widely held tokens on the Ethereum network. These tokens have cemented their position as central parts of the decentralized finance (DeFi) movement by providing essential resources to users without compromising security. Their continued resilience and absence of hacking incidents have further solidified their reputation and made them staples within the DeFi landscape.

    AAVE, known for its lending and borrowing protocol, has revolutionized access to decentralized lending by enabling users to borrow and lend assets directly on the Ethereum network. Its utility has provided opportunities for individuals to earn interest on their crypto assets while also facilitating borrowing for various purposes. AAVE has become one of the most held ERC-20 tokens, demonstrating the value it brings to the Ethereum ecosystem.

    Similarly, CRV, the native token of Curve.Fi, has gained prominence for its integral role in decentralized exchange (DEX) liquidity provision. Curve.Fi specializes in low-slippage swaps between stablecoins, making it an essential component of the DeFi space. CRV token holders participate in the platform’s governance and earn rewards for providing liquidity, further enhancing the token’s utility and attractiveness.

    These tokens exemplify how ERC-20 tokens with robust functionality and utility can become central pillars of the DeFi movement. By addressing the fundamental needs of users and providing reliable and secure services, tokens like AAVE and CRV have garnered trust, adoption, and increased their overall value within the Ethereum ecosystem in 2023.
  2. Tokenomics and Supply: The economic model of an ERC-20 token plays a crucial role in determining its value. Factors such as token supply, inflation rate, and token distribution mechanisms impact the perceived scarcity and rarity of the token. Limited supply or deflationary mechanisms, such as token burns or buybacks, can enhance token value by creating a sense of scarcity and increasing demand.

    In 2023, the economic models of ERC-20 tokens continue to be pivotal in determining their value. The landscape of token supply, inflation rate, and distribution mechanisms varies widely, with different projects adopting diverse approaches. Notably, two contrasting models have gained traction within the Ethereum ecosystem, each with its own set of supporters.

    Projects like Shiba Inu (SHIB) have adopted a unique approach by releasing an incredibly large number of tokens into the ecosystem, in the trillions. Surprisingly, despite the massive token supply, SHIB has managed to maintain a strong presence in the market. Its low-cost exchange rate has attracted investors, and a recently instituted burn mechanism has introduced a deflationary element. This burn mechanism removes tokens from circulation on a regular basis, effectively reducing supply and increasing the value of each remaining token. This hybrid model, combining large supply with deflationary measures, has found favor among some participants in the Ethereum ecosystem.

    TIP: Be thinking – how many tokens should user on the planet receive?

    Conversely, other projects have opted for a more scarcity-focused tokenomics model. By limiting the token supply and implementing deflationary mechanisms, these projects create a sense of rarity and exclusivity. Scarce tokens can drive up demand and increase their perceived value. Such projects appeal to investors who prioritize scarcity and believe in the long-term value potential of limited supply tokens.

    It is important to note that both models have their own set of enthusiasts and supporters within the Ethereum ecosystem. The choice between a large supply model with deflationary measures and a scarcity-focused approach ultimately depends on individual perspectives and investment strategies.

    Tokenomics and supply remain crucial considerations in determining the value of ERC-20 tokens in 2023 and will continue to do so in 2024. Projects adopting a large supply model with deflationary mechanisms, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), and those emphasizing scarcity through limited token supply attract their own respective fan bases. As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to evolve, the dynamics of tokenomics and supply will continue to shape the perceived value of ERC-20 tokens, with different projects catering to the diverse preferences of investors.
  3. Adoption and Network Effects: The adoption and widespread use of ERC-20 tokens contribute significantly to their value. As more and more individuals and businesses start to accept a particular token as a means of payment or exchange, the demand for that token increases, thereby positively impacting its value. Moreover, network effects play a pivotal role in amplifying the value of ERC-20 tokens. These tokens often experience growth alongside the expansion of their associated networks, further solidifying their value and importance in the digital ecosystem. It is important to recognize that the adoption and network effects provide a solid foundation for the value proposition of ERC-20 tokens and underscore their potential for long-term success and sustainability.

    From 2019 through 2023, the adoption and network effects continue to be crucial factors in determining the value of ERC-20 tokens. This trend will continue well into 2024 and likely continue into the following years. The widespread use and acceptance of a particular token as a medium of exchange or payment contribute significantly to its overall value. As more individuals and businesses adopt and utilize a token, the demand for that token increases, creating a positive impact on its value proposition.

    Network effects further amplify the value of ERC-20 tokens. These effects occur when the value and utility of a token increase as more users join and participate in the associated network. With each new user, the network becomes more robust, attracting additional participants and generating a self-reinforcing cycle of growth. The network effects solidify the token’s position within the digital ecosystem and contribute to its long-term success and sustainability.

    It is important for token creators and investors to recognize the significance of adoption and network effects in the value proposition of ERC-20 tokens. By fostering adoption, expanding the network, and building strong communities around the tokens, projects can enhance their chances of achieving widespread acceptance, increasing demand, and ultimately driving the value of their ERC-20 tokens.

    Whether in 2019 or in the present year of 2023/2024, the principles of adoption and network effects remain central to the success and value of ERC-20 tokens. Building strong networks and encouraging widespread adoption are essential strategies for creating and sustaining valuable ERC-20 tokens that can thrive in the evolving digital landscape.
  4. Market Demand and Liquidity: The demand for ERC-20 tokens in the market, driven by factors like speculation, investment potential, and trading volume, directly affects their value. Higher trading volume and liquidity make it easier for token holders to buy, sell, or exchange their tokens, thus enhancing their perceived value. Market sentiment and external factors, such as regulatory developments or market trends, also influence token prices. See more below!
  5. Development and Community: The progress of a project and the strength of its community can significantly impact the value of ERC-20 tokens. Continuous development, technological advancements, and successful partnerships can instill confidence in investors, leading to increased demand for tokens. Similarly, an active and engaged community can foster trust, attracting more participants to the project and positively impacting token value. Read below for more details.
  6. External Factors: ERC-20 tokens are not immune to the broader macroeconomic environment. Factors like government regulations, geopolitical events, technological advancements, and investor sentiment can influence the value of cryptocurrencies as a whole, including ERC-20 tokens. Being aware of these external factors and their potential impact is crucial for understanding token value fluctuations. You can’t control what will happen in 2023 or 2024, but you will be able to help plan for the best and worst by following a few key indicators.

The value of ERC-20 tokens is a multifaceted concept, driven by utility, tokenomics, adoption, market demand, development progress, and external factors. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, understanding these factors becomes increasingly important for investors, developers, and enthusiasts alike. By recognizing the fundamental drivers of token value, we can navigate the crypto landscape with greater knowledge and make informed decisions regarding ERC-20 token value in 2023, stakeholders can make informed decisions and contribute to the growth of a robust and sustainable ERC-20 token ecosystem. As the year progresses, it will be fascinating to observe how these factors shape the value and adoption of ERC-20 tokens in the dynamic and ever-changing cryptocurrency landscape. In 2024 we don’t expect this to change.

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Utility and Functionality

ERC-20 tokens derive their value from their utility and functionality within the associated ecosystem. While these attributes can provide a strong foundation for token valuation, it is essential to examine their sustainability and long-term viability. In the past, some tokens promised exorbitant returns through staking and farming services, fueled by venture funding and speculative investments. However, if the primary function of a token is to generate more tokens that are inherently more valuable, caution should be exercised as this may indicate a potential risk of rug-pulling by the founders.

The Importance of Utility: ERC-20 tokens gain value when they offer practical use cases and address real-world problems. The ability of a token to facilitate transactions, enable access to specific services or platforms, or provide unique features within a decentralized ecosystem can contribute to its utility and, consequently, its value. It is crucial to assess whether the token’s utility extends beyond tokenomics and short-term gains.

Sustainability and Long-Term Viability: When evaluating the utility of an ERC-20 token, investors and users should consider the long-term sustainability of the project. If the primary purpose of a token is to generate more tokens without a clear value proposition or utility beyond the token itself, it raises concerns about the project’s viability. Tokens that solely rely on generating more tokens may be susceptible to price manipulation or become victims of rug-pulling, where founders exit with investors’ funds.

Transparency and Governance: Another critical aspect of utility and functionality is the transparency and governance mechanisms of the project. Token holders should have a clear understanding of how the project is governed, how decisions are made, and how funds are allocated. Transparent governance models, such as community-driven decision-making processes or decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), instill confidence and contribute to the value of ERC-20 tokens.

Use Cases and Adoption: The wider the range of use cases and adoption of an ERC-20 token, the more value it can accrue. Tokens that find applications in various industries or sectors, or those adopted by established businesses and platforms, have a higher chance of gaining long-term value. Real-world adoption is a testament to the utility and functionality of the token, as it demonstrates its ability to solve problems or enhance existing systems.

Diversification of Functionality: ERC-20 tokens that expand their functionality beyond simple tokenomics and speculative gains have a greater potential for long-term sustainability. Projects that focus on building robust ecosystems, integrating smart contract capabilities, or providing interoperability with other blockchains create opportunities for diverse use cases and utility. Such tokens can withstand market volatility and adapt to changing industry trends, thus increasing their overall value proposition.

While utility and functionality are essential drivers of ERC-20 token value, investors and users must exercise caution when evaluating projects that primarily rely on generating more tokens without a clear value proposition beyond tokenomics. By emphasizing long-term sustainability, transparency, governance, and diversification of functionality, stakeholders can make informed decisions and contribute to the growth of a healthier and more resilient cryptocurrency ecosystem.


Tokenomics plays a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of ERC-20 tokens. It encompasses various factors, including token supply, distribution, deflationary mechanisms, economic models, and investor considerations. A well-designed tokenomics structure can enhance the utility and value of a token, while poor tokenomics choices can undermine its reliability and long-term viability. In this section, we will explore the critical elements of tokenomics and their impact on the overall value proposition of ERC-20 tokens.

  1. Token Distribution and Insider Allocation: Token distribution is a crucial aspect of tokenomics. When projects allocate a significant portion of tokens to insiders, founders, or institutional investors, it can hinder the reliability, service, and utility of the token. Heavy concentration of tokens in the hands of a few entities can lead to centralization concerns and potential market manipulation. On the other hand, a fair and transparent distribution model that includes active community members can foster trust, wider adoption, and a more decentralized ecosystem.
  2. Consideration of Token Supply: While token supply is an important aspect of tokenomics, it is equally essential to consider where the supply is allocated. Excessive token supply without a clear use case or utility can dilute the value of individual tokens and erode investor confidence. A well-designed tokenomics model should ensure a balance between supply and demand, with a focus on sustainable growth and adoption.
  3. Redemption Options: To enhance investor confidence and provide a safety net, offering redemption options for ERC-20 tokens can be beneficial. If investors initially contributed ETH in exchange for tokens during the ICO, providing an option to redeem tokens for ETH can create a sense of security. This mechanism not only offers an exit strategy for investors but also helps maintain transparency and accountability within the project. It also opens up the possibility of redistributing or reselling tokens, thereby increasing liquidity and potentially stimulating further investment.
  4. Deflationary Measures and Utility: Implementing deflationary measures within the tokenomics structure can help maintain or increase the value of ERC-20 tokens over time. Token burning, where a portion of tokens is permanently removed from circulation, can create scarcity and enhance the value of the remaining tokens. Additionally, integrating utility features that require the use of the token within the associated ecosystem can drive demand and provide a tangible reason for token holders to hold and utilize the tokens.
  5. Economic Models for Long-Term Sustainability: Successful tokenomics should focus on achieving long-term sustainability. Dynamic economic models that adjust inflation rates, rewards, or tokenomics parameters based on predefined criteria can help maintain equilibrium within the ecosystem. By carefully balancing token supply, inflation, and incentives, projects can create an environment where the value of the token is supported by real-world utility and demand.

Tokenomics is a critical component in the creation and success of ERC-20 tokens. Projects that prioritize fair token distribution, considerate token supply allocation, redemption options, deflationary measures, and sustainable economic models have a greater chance of achieving long-term viability and investor trust. By designing robust tokenomics structures, projects can enhance the utility, value, and reliability of their ERC-20 tokens, paving the way for a thriving and resilient ecosystem.

Adoption and Network Effects

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Adoption and network effects are critical factors in determining the success and value of ERC-20 tokens. In this section, we will explore strategies to foster adoption, the importance of decentralization, and the impact of network effects on token value. While recent legal rulings have shed light on the sale of tokens to individuals versus institutions, focusing on utility, user experience, and organic growth remains vital to drive adoption and network effects.

  1. Decentralization and Individual Sales: Recent legal rulings have highlighted the importance of decentralization in token offerings. Selling tokens primarily to individuals rather than institutions is often considered a more compliant and legally sound approach. While the legal landscape surrounding token sales continues to evolve, prioritizing individual sales can align with the spirit of decentralization and community engagement. It allows for broader participation and helps build a more distributed ownership base, increasing the potential for network effects.
  2. Utility and User Experience: To drive adoption and network effects, the utility and user experience of the token and associated platform should be a primary focus. Ensuring that the token serves a tangible purpose within the ecosystem, providing value to users, and addressing real-world needs can incentivize adoption. Additionally, investing in the design and user interface of the app or website can enhance user engagement, making it more likely for users to return and actively participate within the network.
  3. Organic Expansion: Organic expansion occurs when a token gains adoption and popularity through its utility and usage, rather than relying solely on marketing tactics. When a token serves a practical purpose and provides benefits to its users, the network effects of owning and using the token can naturally drive its expansion. Users are more likely to recommend the token to others, leading to increased adoption and broader network effects. It is important to note that while organic expansion is ideal, caution should be exercised to ensure that the token’s value is not solely derived from speculative trading without underlying utility.
  4. Case Study: Shiba Inu (SHIB): Shiba Inu (SHIB) serves as an interesting example of a token that gained significant prominence based on network effects and gorilla marketing tactics rather than inherent utility. Despite its lack of real-world usage, the network effects of owning SHIB tokens, combined with aggressive marketing and community engagement, propelled it to a top spot in terms of liquidity and market capitalization. This example highlights the influence of network effects in the cryptocurrency space and the potential for rapid token adoption.

Adoption and network effects are vital for the success and value of ERC-20 tokens. Prioritizing decentralization, focusing on individual sales, emphasizing utility and user experience, and fostering organic expansion can enhance adoption rates and drive network effects. While examples like Shiba Inu demonstrate the power of network effects in generating interest and liquidity, it is important to strike a balance between network effects and tangible utility to ensure long-term sustainability and value.

Market Demand and Liquidity

Market demand and liquidity are crucial factors that determine the value and sustainability of ERC-20 tokens. In this section, we will explore strategies to ensure market liquidity, the importance of maintaining a funding source for liquidity provision, and the potential risks associated with insufficient liquidity. Furthermore, we will address the significance of avoiding rug-pull scenarios by providing options for token swapping and redemption.

  1. Ensuring Market Liquidity: Market liquidity is essential for ERC-20 tokens to maintain stability and attract investors. To ensure liquidity, it is advisable for token issuers to buy back tokens during market dips. By actively monitoring the market and purchasing tokens from the open market, issuers can provide liquidity to exchanges and prevent significant price slippage. This practice also instills confidence among token holders, as they know there is a buyer in times of selling pressure.
  2. Funding Source for Liquidity: Having a reliable funding source for liquidity provision is crucial. If the venture’s funding comes in the form of cash or other cryptocurrencies, setting up a swap or redemption site can facilitate liquidity provision. This allows exchanges and large institutional investors to swap or redeem tokens, ensuring a continuous supply of liquidity. Keeping a portion of the funds raised during the ICO or through other means specifically for liquidity purposes is prudent to maintain the token’s value and trading opportunities.
  3. Responsible Allocation of Funds: It is essential to allocate funds raised through an ICO or other means responsibly, particularly with regard to liquidity. While new projects, upgrades, and marketing are important, allocating a portion of the funds specifically for liquidity purposes helps prevent the token from losing value due to illiquidity. Neglecting liquidity provision and spending all the funds on unrelated activities can be seen as a rug-pull, eroding trust among investors and damaging the token’s value proposition.
  4. Token Swapping and Redemption: To avoid rug-pull scenarios and ensure transparency, token issuers should consider providing options for token swapping or redemption. Establishing platforms or mechanisms where token holders can easily swap their tokens for other cryptocurrencies or redeem them for the underlying funding source (cash or crypto) helps maintain liquidity and gives investors a sense of security. This fosters trust, increases market participation, and reduces the risk of sudden price collapses.

Market demand and liquidity are vital for the success and value of ERC-20 tokens. Token issuers should prioritize maintaining market liquidity through measures such as buying back tokens during dips and establishing a reliable funding source for liquidity provision. Responsible allocation of funds, including setting aside a portion specifically for liquidity purposes, helps prevent rug-pull scenarios and maintains the token’s value. By providing options for token swapping and redemption, transparency and investor confidence can be fostered, ensuring a thriving and liquid market for the ERC-20 token.

Development and Community

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Development and community play a vital role in shaping the success and value of ERC-20 tokens. In this section, we will explore the importance of establishing a strong community and transparent communication channels with token holders. Additionally, we will discuss the benefits of real-time chat interfaces, such as Discord and Telegram, for fostering engagement, obtaining feedback, and prioritizing development efforts in an agile manner.

  1. Building a Community: Building a vibrant and engaged community is crucial for the success of ERC-20 tokens. A strong community fosters trust, encourages participation, and contributes to the growth of the token ecosystem. By providing platforms for open dialogue, such as Discord or Telegram, token issuers can connect directly with the community, building transparent bonds between development teams and token holders.
  2. Real-Time Chat Interfaces: Real-time chat interfaces, like Discord and Telegram, provide a direct line of communication between the development team, founders, and the community. These platforms enable instant interactions, allowing for timely updates, announcements, and discussions. By utilizing these chat interfaces, token issuers can build transparency, receive feedback, address concerns, and keep the community informed about project developments.
  3. Transparency and Trust: Real-time chat interfaces contribute to transparency, fostering trust between token holders and the development team. Open communication channels allow for direct conversations, providing insight into the project’s progress, future plans, and potential challenges. By maintaining transparency, token issuers can build confidence and a loyal community that actively supports the project’s growth.
  4. Agile-Like Practices and Feedback: Implementing agile-like practices in development processes can benefit ERC-20 token projects. By engaging with the community through real-time chat interfaces, development teams can gather feedback on ideas, receive suggestions, and validate concepts before investing significant resources. This approach allows for rapid iterations, “failing fast,” and quickly adapting to the evolving needs and expectations of the community.
  5. Prioritizing Development Efforts: Real-time chat interfaces provide a direct channel for gathering insights and prioritizing development efforts. By actively engaging with the community, development teams can understand the needs and preferences of token holders, ensuring that the project’s roadmap aligns with their expectations. This iterative approach helps in efficiently allocating resources to areas that have the most significant impact on the token’s value and utility.

Development and community are essential aspects of ERC-20 tokens, contributing to their success and value. By building a strong and engaged community through real-time chat interfaces, token issuers can foster transparency, trust, and loyalty. Utilizing these platforms allows for direct communication, feedback gathering, and agile-like practices, enabling development teams to prioritize efforts effectively and ensure alignment with the needs of the community. Emphasizing these elements can significantly enhance the growth and sustainability of ERC-20 tokens.

External Factors

External factors, including macro-economic conditions, can significantly influence the value of ERC-20 tokens, regardless of the dedicated resources and efforts put into a project. In this section, we will discuss the impact of the macro-economic outlook on token value and provide guidance on key indicators to track. While it is not possible to control the broader economy, understanding and monitoring these factors can help investors make informed decisions and navigate the cryptocurrency market more effectively.

  1. Macroeconomic Outlook and Token Value: The macro-economic outlook, encompassing factors such as economic growth, inflation rates, monetary policy, and geopolitical events, can have a substantial impact on the value of ERC-20 tokens. Economic downturns or periods of uncertainty may lead to a decline in investor confidence and a reduced appetite for risk, potentially affecting the demand for cryptocurrencies. Conversely, favorable economic conditions and positive market sentiment can contribute to increased investor interest and token value.
  2. Key Indicators to Track: While it is challenging to predict macroeconomic movements with certainty, monitoring key indicators can provide insights into the broader economic landscape and its potential impact on the cryptocurrency market. Some important indicators to track include:
    • Consumer Price Index (CPI): CPI measures changes in the prices of a basket of goods and services over time. Rising inflation, as reflected in higher CPI, may lead investors to seek alternative assets like cryptocurrencies as a hedge against currency devaluation.
    • Interest Rates: Central bank policies and changes in interest rates can influence investor behavior and risk appetite. Lower interest rates may drive investors towards higher-risk assets, including cryptocurrencies, in search of yield.
    • Stock Market Performance: Stock market movements can impact investor sentiment and overall market conditions. Positive stock market performance can enhance general investor optimism, potentially benefiting cryptocurrencies as well.
    • Regulatory Developments: Government regulations and policy decisions concerning cryptocurrencies can significantly affect their value. Changes in regulatory frameworks can introduce uncertainties and impact investor confidence.
  1. Historical Links to Crypto Markets: The historical relationship between certain economic indicators and the cryptocurrency market has demonstrated correlations. For example, during periods of economic uncertainty or market downturns, cryptocurrencies have often been viewed as a safe haven asset or an alternative investment class. Additionally, factors such as quantitative easing, money supply growth, and fiscal stimulus measures may contribute to increased interest in cryptocurrencies due to concerns about fiat currency stability.
  2. Advice for Investors: While external factors are beyond an individual project’s control, investors can take proactive steps to navigate the cryptocurrency market effectively. It is important to stay informed about macroeconomic trends and their potential implications for the broader market. Diversifying investment portfolios, conducting thorough research, and seeking professional advice can help mitigate risks associated with external factors and enhance overall investment strategies.

External factors, including the macro-economic outlook, have a significant impact on the value of ERC-20 tokens. While investors cannot control the economy, monitoring key indicators and understanding their historical links to the cryptocurrency market can provide valuable insights. By staying informed, diversifying portfolios, and adopting sound investment strategies, investors can make informed decisions and navigate the cryptocurrency market in a more informed and resilient manner.

The Real Deal

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In this article, we have explored the key factors that contribute to the value of ERC-20 tokens. We delved into the importance of utility and functionality, highlighting the need for sustainable tokenomics and the risks associated with tokens primarily focused on generating more tokens. Adoption and network effects were discussed, emphasizing the benefits of decentralization, real-time communication with the community, and the power of organic growth. We also examined the significance of market demand and liquidity, stressing the need for responsible allocation of funds and the provision of redemption options. Furthermore, we explored the role of development and community, emphasizing the value of transparent communication channels and agile-like practices. Lastly, we recognized the influence of external factors, such as macroeconomic outlook, and the importance of tracking key indicators while acknowledging the inherent unpredictability of the broader economic landscape. By considering these factors, stakeholders in the cryptocurrency space can make more informed decisions and contribute to the growth of a resilient and valuable ERC-20 token ecosystem in 2023.

Create Your Own Token!

Do you want to create your own token on Ethereum? If yes, then you should check out this guide that will teach you how to do it in 10 minutes. You will learn how to use MetaMask, Remix, and Etherscan to create a basic ERC-20 token that you can add to your wallet. It’s a fun and rewarding experience that will introduce you to the world of smart contracts and decentralized applications.

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