In an incredible show of support and community mobilization, users on the social media platform Mastodon have raised a whopping $250,000 for Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign. This impressive feat was spearheaded by Heidi Li Feldman, a retired law professor and philosopher with a Mastodon profile that reads:

“Law professor (emeritus), philosopher, progressive. Committed to rule of law and pluralistic democracy. Interests include art, books, history, science, cats, sharp wit. Boosts are not necessarily endorsements.”

What is Mastodon?

For those unfamiliar, Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform that offers an alternative to the algorithm-driven feeds of mainstream social networks. Instead of a single company controlling the platform, Mastodon is comprised of thousands of independent servers (instances) that can communicate with each other, forming a “Fediverse.” This decentralized approach gives users more control over their data and the type of content they see. Mastodon emphasizes chronological feeds, meaning you see posts in the order they were made without any interference from algorithms.

One popular Mastodon instance where you can sign up and try it yourself is

A Community-Driven Campaign

Heidi Li Feldman’s fundraising campaign for Kamala Harris is a testament to the power of community-driven efforts. In just two days, the campaign raised $250,000, showcasing the potential for grassroots mobilization on Mastodon. Feldman’s ability to rally the Fediverse for this cause is a remarkable achievement and highlights the platform’s unique capacity for fostering community engagement and action.

Mastodon for Harris fundraiser on ActBlue - this shows that they have raised $259,009.81 in two days since the campaign started
Mastodon for Harris fundraiser on Act Blue – this shows that they have raised $259,009.81 in two days since the campaign started.

Why Mastodon Matters

Unlike traditional social media platforms, Mastodon is free from algorithmic manipulation and filtered feeds. This means you see posts from the people you follow as they happen, providing a more authentic and transparent social media experience. This environment has proven conducive to grassroots movements and fundraising efforts like Feldman’s campaign for Kamala Harris.

A Call to Action

We encourage everyone to donate to Kamala Harris’s campaign and support her in setting up a Mastodon account herself. The transparency and community focus of Mastodon align perfectly with the values of a pluralistic democracy. Moreover, urging the White House to consider self-hosting a Mastodon instance could promote greater openness and direct communication with the public.

By participating in these efforts, you can help foster a more engaged and empowered citizenry. Join the Fediverse, experience the difference, and contribute to a cause that aims to bring progressive change to the highest levels of government.